《Welcome to My Space.》
《Welcome to My Space.》
2022.Li-Yun Chien
When we speak a sentence made up of several English words, it seems to imbue that sentence with a personal tone, emotion, intonation, accent, rhythm, pauses, and hesitations. The meaning of this sentence naturally points toward a space, yet I am not in a rush to provide a clear outline. Instead, it resides in the moments when I attempt to fathom this sentence, adapting to the humidity in the air and the flow of the wind to articulate various scenarios. It's used to clarify and arrange the relationships among objects, spaces, myself, and my audience in this exhibition. For instance, the practice during this period is encapsulated within the same form, becoming objects that fill the space; or perhaps a curved wall defines the space it inhabits. A small night lamp shares a fraction of the art light while balancing the contrast in that area. Throughout the entire process, it seems to rely on the experiences of the audience to continue constructing what the art has not reached yet, and I hope they keep moving in that direction.
Gathering all the things seen in the realm of life, staring and 'gazing' at them until I can no longer see.