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《古典力學的錯誤分析實例》                  個展2023.6.9-2023.7.8


實例(如圖所示,一本書穩定地置放在桌子上,書的重量  是一道將它往下拉的力,設定這道力為作用力,則其對應的反作用力是桌子施加於書本的力  ,這是一道將書本往上推的力,這兩道力互相平衡。)

古典力學(聚焦在 Newton's third law of motion)





"An example of uncertain analysis in classical mechanics" is an intercepted and pieced-together article on Wikipedia, which revolves around examples of errors in mechanics. This example clearly outlines an incomplete and incomplete the right situation. The beginning of entering the exhibition is to follow this clear text description, figure out the atmosphere of the whole space and the works in a parallel way, and capture the atmosphere of contradictions in time, space, events, life, feelings, State, profile, and shape.

© 2023 by Li-Yun Chien

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